Thursday, September 8, 2011

J.T. Challenging and Motivating Story

J.T is 38 years old male, married, have 3 hyperactive kids and attending school. So you can imagine how stressful is his life. But with all his hectic life he was very committed client and willing to do any routine.
Because he wanted to increase his cardio, loose body fat and increase muscle strength and endurance, each time I gave him different routine (Monday work on upper body muscles, Wednesday work on lower body muscles and Friday work whole body muscles mostly Plyometric which helps preventing injuries).
When we started our training his weight was 183lb and his BMI 29, now after three month training he weights 173.4lb and his BMI is 27.2, which makes me say proudly “ I am very proud of you my client because together we reached to one of your goals and that is to lose 10lb in 3 month”
As for body measurement one of most important body part that we all have to be careful is our waist measurement which can lead us to lots of diseases . My client waist measurement at the beginning was 38 inc, now his waist is 36.8.
With weights exercises he made double progress, example: bicep pull down he use to do 40lb now he can do 80lb. Bird dog exercise he used to hold for 60sec now he can hold for 180sec. This can make me check on the second and third goal to be flexible and balanced. All this encourage him to keep consistent.
In this journey we both learned from each other. J.T. used to be closed not showing or talking about his feelings but now I feel he is so comfortable and I enjoy that. As for me I learned from my client as much as possible not to be over reacting and try to take it easy.
Thank you my dear client, I really enjoyed every single moment with you as your trainer and now I can say: WE DID IT!!

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